1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery

Unit Information
The 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery, is a Minnesota Army National Guard battalion headquartered in New Ulm.
The 1-125 FA provides artillery fire support to the 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division. Each of the unit's three batteries field six guns to answer calls for fire. In the 1-125 FA's Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Soldiers are trained to assist with command and control of the battalion's fires, as well as the conduct of fire support and counter-fire operations.
The battalion has deployed in both 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team missions since the beginning of the war on terror, OIF 05-07 and OND 11-12.
Since 2015 the battalion has participated in two National Training Center (NTC) rotations, one Division Warfighter Exercise (DWFX), 2 Brigade Warfighters (BWFX) and two Exportable Combat Training Center (xCTC) Rotations. The 1-125 was also mobilized for State Active Duty in 2020 to conduct civil disturbance operations.
There are six major units in the 1-125 FA: Headquarters and Headquarters Battery in New Ulm, A Battery in Pipestone and Luverne, B Battery in Jackson, C Battery in Fairmont, F Company in St. Peter and St. James and the Headquarters and Headquarters Battery Detachment in Anoka.
The 1-125 AR motto is "Faithful".


LTC Mark Gile

CSM Anthony Centola
Senior Enlisted
34th Red Bull Infantry Division
- Headquarters and Headquarters Company
- 334th Brigade Engineer Battalion
- 134th Brigade Support Battalion
- 1st Combined Arms Battalion, 194th Armor Regiment
- 1st Squadron, 94th Cavalry
- 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery
- 2nd Combined Arms Battalion, 136th Infantry Regiment
- 2nd Battalion, 135th Infantry Regiment