175th Regiment (Regional Training Institute)

Unit Information
It is the 175th Regiment's mission to develop, educate and train Soldiers, leaders and technical advisors in a premiere training environment to be prepared for 21st Century missions.
The Camp Ripley-based 175th Regiment Regional Training Institute provides combat arms, Military Occupational Specialty and leadership training to the U.S. Army to prepare Soldiers and units for deployment at maximum combat readiness levels.
Each year hundreds of Soldiers from both the reserve and active components travel to Camp Ripley to attend a course offered by the 175th Regional Training Institute (RTI). The institute ensures the courses offered meet requirements for all components, drawing students from across the country and supporting the One Army School System.
The courses offered at the 175th RTI qualify Soldiers for the wheeled and tracked vehicle recovery Additional Skills Identifier. The 175th RTI also offers Advanced Leader Courses for Infantry, Maneuver Senior Leader Course, and more than 10 functional courses. The institute also contributes to the commissioned ranks by offering Phases I and II of Officer Candidate School (OCS) and Phase II of Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS).
2023 Objectives
In 2023, 175th Regiment, Regional Training Institute, will continue to support and improve upon the One Army School System standard. The unit will prepare for and train upwards of 800 active duty, National Guard, and Army Reserve Soldiers from across the U.S. Army.
Lastly, the regiment will provide realistic and valuable learning experiences, utilizing the most experienced and professional cadre to produce skilled, professional, and adaptive leaders.
2022 Accomplishments
In 2022, the 175th provided instruction to more than 848 Soldiers from across the country. The institute’s Officer Candidate School graduated 15 candidates with 13 commissioning and two candidates receiving eligibility certificates. Phase I of the school, was comprised of 68 officer candidates from four states, resulting in 58 officer candidates advancing to phase II in their respective states. The Warrant Officer Candidate School graduated 14 candidates with nine commissioning and five receiving a certificate of eligibility.


COL Brian G. Malecha

CSM Shane Hybben
Senior Enlisted