Minnesota Army National Guard continues to recruit Soldiers

April 24, 2020 (MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota) — The Minnesota Army National Guard is still recruiting, just in a different way. Like many organizations and businesses, the Minnesota National Guard has had to adapt during the global pandemic.
We are committed to remaining a strong and ready force, and that means we are still looking for qualified candidates to join our ranks.
Recruiters meet with potential recruits virtually. When necessary, they will meet in-person. in accordance with Centers for Disease Control guidelines. Recruiters maintain safety protocols when meeting by maintaining a distance of six feet, wearing face masks, ensuring everyone is using separate pens and meeting in a clean environment.
Local recruiters have worked with schools to distribute videos about the MNARNG since recruiters are unable to physically be there and the students are now at home. Additionally, some recruiters have been able to work directly with teachers to create online fitness classes for students to maintain physical fitness.
The Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) is still open for enlistments while also following CDC guidelines and safety protocols. Recruits are still shipping to Basic Combat Training, although at reduced numbers.
While waiting to ship to BCT, recruits are continuing to virtually participate in the Recruit Sustainment Program each month.
To contact a Minnesota Army National Guard recruiter, visit https://nationalguard.com/select-your-state/MN.
To contact a Minnesota Air National Guard recruiter for the 133rd Airlift Wing, call 1-800-835-3764 and for the 148th Fighter Wing, call 1-800-831-7027.
Story by Sgt. Sebastian Nemec