Why I Serve: Senior Airman Billie Jago

DULUTH, Minn. – Like many others, service members at the Minnesota National Guard’s 148th Fighter Wing made the decision to serve their state and nation. Some were inspired by a family member, a mentor, or a friend. Senior Airman Billie Jago, a fighter aircraft integrated avionics specialist, had a variety of reasons for why she chose to serve. She made this decision partly because of her love for the local community and an interest in aviation, Jago said.
Currently, she is studying aviation at the University of North Dakota, a four-and-a-half-hour drive from the 148th. During the academic year, she returns to Duluth once a month for drill weekends. Although the monthly commitments are her only requirement, Jago returned to Duluth to work at the base this summer.
Many college students make a similar decision to spend their summers working and training with their military installation. Students often work as temporary technicians or fulfill additional training days. It’s a meaningful summer job, and with 30% of the Wing deployed, the 148th can use the help.
Jago said service members at the 148th are positive influences because they know how to be independent and joining the military helped put her on track to be a competent adult. She’s received advice about important life skills such as financial readiness and securing health insurance.
“You’re surrounded by people who have figured it out themselves, and then they guide you through it,” she said. “They help you get on your feet and learn the ropes.”
Jago doesn’t think she would be thinking about retirement or insurance policies if it weren’t for the military.
“It just sets you up young in life, you become wiser and more independent by being here,” she said.
As a 19-year-old joining the ranks, Jago said she felt like a “kid among her peers.” However, she’s felt like she’s been trusted with a lot more responsibility than she expected. Membership in the National Guard put her in a position where coworkers were depending on her to do important work, Jago said, and she has found she is capable of more than she realized because of the discipline the military instilled in her. The Air Force Core Values: Service Before Self, Integrity First, and Excellence in All We Do contribute to this success.
Jago said she didn’t expect to form such close relationships with her coworkers, but that there’s an automatic bond between military members after basic training. Along with a military commonality, Duluth is very integrated with the 148th. This sense of community, she said, is a big reason why she serves and why she plans to continue serving.
“Everyone has your back here,” she said. “If my car were broken down in the parking lot, I know there would be people here immediately willing to help.”
By Airman 1st Class Addie Peterson
148th Fighter Wing