133rd Airlift Wing Members Home in Time for Christmas

MEDIA ADVISORY: For Immediate Release
December 5, 2023

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Thursday, Minnesota National Guard’s 133rd Airlift Wing family members will welcome home more than 125 Airmen from a three-month deployment to the Horn of Africa.

“Our wing is so proud of what our Airmen accomplished during their deployment overseas,” said U.S. Air Force Col. Jesse Carlson, 133rd Airlift Wing’s Commander. “We train extremely hard to be ready to execute our mission when the nation calls. We are especially excited to have our Airmen come home safely in time for the holidays so they can be with their families. We express sincere gratitude to the families for the sacrifices they have made and the support they give. We cannot do our jobs without them, and getting everyone reunited now is very special.”

While deployed, the Airmen were responsible for maintaining four C-130 Hercules aircraft and transporting passengers and cargo as dictated by the mission. The C-130 Hercules H-3 model has been with the 133rd Airlift Wing since 1996 and is expected to be replaced with the C-130J Super Hercules model by 2030.

Editor’s Note: Media members are invited to observe the return this Thursday, Dec. 7, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the 133rd Airlift Wing, located at 631 Minuteman Drive, St. Paul, Minnesota 55111.

The 133rd Airlift Wing is a secure installation. RSVPs are required by Wednesday, Dec. 6 at 4 p.m. Members of the media will be required to provide their full name, date of birth, and driver’s license number with state issued for clearance to access the base. Please send an RSVP to the 133rd Public Affairs office at 612-713-2410 or 133.aw.pa.mailbox.org@us.af.mil. Due to the nature of this mission home, there may be delays. The 133rd Airlift Wing will contact you if there are any changes to the timeline presented in this update.

About the Minnesota National Guard –
Established in 1856 and headquartered in St. Paul, the Minnesota National Guard has more than 13,000 Soldiers and Airmen who serve in 58 communities across the state. The Citizen-Soldiers and Airmen of the Minnesota National Guard are ‘Always Ready’ to fight the nation’s wars, protect the country, respond to state emergencies, and contribute to local communities. For more information about the Minnesota National Guard, visit https://MinnesotaNationalGuard.ng.mil.

