Minnesota National Guard’s 133rd Airlift Wing Selected for New Aircraft

MEDIA ADVISORY: For Immediate Release
Sept 14, 2023

St Paul, Minn. – Minnesota National Guard’s 133rd Airlift Wing, located at Minneapolis/St.
Paul International Airport was selected to receive eight, new C-130J Super Hercules aircraft as
part of the Air National Guard’s C-130J Recapitalization and Basing program.

“As Governor, I’ve always fought to ensure the Minnesota National Guard has the resources they
need to protect our homeland and support missions abroad and at home,” said Governor Walz.
“C-130 aircraft are critical assets that our Minnesota Air National Guard use to transport cargo
and passengers, whether it is in support of missions abroad or offering support here at home
during times of floods, hurricanes, and other emergencies. These upgrades will help ensure our
Minnesota Air National Guard are equipped to answer the call to serve our state and country.”

According to United States Air Force’s official website, “The Department of the Air Force
selected 103rd Airlift Wing (Hartford, Conn.), 120th Airlift Wing (Great Falls, Mont.), 133rd
Airlift Wing (Minneapolis, Minn.), and 182nd Airlift Wing (Peoria, Ill.), as the preferred
locations to receive C-130J Super Hercules to replace their aging C-130Hs.”

Eight locations were being considered.

The new C-130J aircraft would provide the Minnesota Air National Guard with greater
capability in supporting our state and our nation around the world. The C-130J offers many
advantages, including the latest avionics, longer expected life span, better fuel efficiency and
performance, increased cargo capacity, and better logistical support.

The entire Minnesota Congressional delegation sent a letter earlier this year urging the U.S. Air
Force to choose Minnesota’s 133rd Airlift Wing.

The 133rd Airlift Wing currently operates eight C-130H3 model aircraft that are more than 25
years old. The 133rd Airlift Wing has had the C-130 mission for more than 50 years and
converted to numerous variations of the C-130 over the years.

“This is a monumental step forward for Minnesota and the Minnesota National Guard,” said Maj.
Gen. Shawn Manke, Minnesota National Guard’s Adjutant General. “This important
announcement will modernize the 133rd Airlift Wing ensuring our Air Guard service members
remain at the forefront of the future fight.”

Editor’s Note: Media is invited to the press conference on Friday, Sept. 15, 2023, located at the
133rd Airlift Wing, 631 Minuteman Drive, St. Paul, Minnesota 55111. Press needs to arrive no
later than 9:45 a.m. The press conference starts at 10 a.m.

The 133rd Airlift Wing is a secure military installation and RSVPs are required by Friday,
Sept. 15, 2023, at 7 a.m. Members of the media will be required to provide their full name, date
of birth, and driver’s license number for clearance to access the base. Please send your RSVP to
the 133rd Airlift Wing’s Public Affairs officer Air Force Capt. Ellen McNair at (850)-714-3600
or ellen.mcnair@us.af.mil.

About the Minnesota Nation Guard’s 133rd Airlift Wing


About the Minnesota National Guard –
Established in 1856 and headquartered in St. Paul, the Minnesota National Guard has more than
13,000 Soldiers and Airmen who serve in 58 communities across the state. The Citizen-Soldiers
and Airmen of the Minnesota National Guard are ‘Always Ready’ to fight the nation’s wars,
protect the country, respond to state emergencies, and contribute to local communities. For more
information about the Minnesota National Guard, visit https://MinnesotaNationalGuard.ng.mil.
