A Honeymoon in uniform

Deploying overseas is never easy, but for Master Sgt. Brett Pappa and Sgt. 1st Class Valerie Pappa, it means navigating both their roles as senior noncommissioned officers, and their life as a married couple—all while serving side-by-side. Both members of the Minnesota National Guard 34th Infantry Division “Red Bulls,” the couple is currently deployed in support of Operation Spartan Shield.
The Pappa’s first met at Camp Ripley, Minnesota through a mutual military friend during a drill weekend. Over the years, despite living in different states and serving in different units, they stayed in touch.
“We would cross paths while driving home from drill, catching dinner on the road to hang out,” Valerie said.
In 2020, they found themselves serving in units under Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 34th Infantry Division. When they found out they would be deploying together, Brett, a combat engineer senior sergeant, and Valerie, a signal intelligence analyst, decided to get married after dating for nearly three years.
“It was exciting to know we’d see each other daily,” Valerie said. “But after a long-distance relationship, it would also be a challenge to cohabitate in one small room for a year.”
The couple maintains a balance between their personal and professional lives through clear communication. After the workday is over, they check in with each other, discussing both work and personal matters. For Valerie, this is her first deployment, and having her husband by her side has provided a sense of security.
“It gave me comfort knowing I had Brett’s deployment experience to lean on,” she said.
Upon arriving in-country, Valerie had to lean on Brett more than expected. After getting sick before leaving Fort Cavazos, her condition worsened during the trip. Upon arriving overseas, Brett, who flew as part of the first group, welcomed Valerie into the country by helping her recover from a severe illness.
“By the time I landed, I’d lost my voice and had no energy,” she said. “Multiple people were messaging Brett, joking that I was ‘dying.'”
“I had a doctor on standby just in case she didn’t make it through the night,” Brett joked.
Despite some minor challenges, the couple has also shared lighter moments, like dining with Maj. Gen. Charles Kemper, the commanding general of the 34ID while the unit was conducting mobilization training at Fort Cavazos, Texas, who spotted their matching nametapes and asked them, ‘When did that happen?’
Though their roles on the deployment are separate, Brett and Valerie have found opportunities to collaborate. Brett helped his wife’s section setup for one of the transition-in-contact exercises conducted over the summer. They make time to support one another through activities like participating in 5-kilometer races, sharing meals, or scheduling a weekly date night. For the Pappas, serving together has broadened their sense of family.
For now, they are focused on their mission, finding strength in their relationship, and the military community around them. After deployment, the Pappas look forward to a short honeymoon, but after spending a year living and working side-by-side, they joke that they might already have had the longest honeymoon ever.
“Sure, most honeymoons don’t involve combat boots, but I guess we’ll call it a ‘honeymoon in uniform,'” Brett laughed. “Who else can say they spent theirs deployed?”
Story by Staff Sgt. Mahsima Alkamooneh
Minnesota National Guard Public Affairs