Minnesota Red Devils and Canadian forces unite for annual training at Camp Ripley

For more than the last 20 years, the Soldiers of Minnesota National Guard’s 34th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade, who are known as the “Red Devils,” have partnered with the Canadian Armed Forces to conduct joint training exercises every spring at Minnesota’s Camp Ripley. This year’s event during the week of March 9, 2024, the units continued this tradition.
The annual exercise, known as Sure Shot, included members of the Lake Superior Scottish Regiment, Sailors from Canada’s HMCS Griffin, along with aviators from the Minnesota brigade.
Army Spc. Aubry Hansen, from Alpha Company, 2nd Assault Helicopter Battalion, 147th Aviation Regiment, highlighted why she enjoys participating in joint operations like Exercise Sure Shot.
“It gets everyone experience they wouldn’t normally get just in the normal Guard or Army,” said Hansen. “It builds trust between countries and gives us a different perspective on their regulations and what they need versus what we need.”
The Canadian troops began their journey in Thunder Bay, Ontario, and were transported to Camp Ripley aboard CH-47 Chinook and UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. While at Camp Ripley, their training included weapons qualification, chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear protection training, squad tactical movement training, among other certifications.
Army Sgt. Griffen Ferguson, a crew chief with Alpha Company, 2nd Assault Helicopter Battalion, 147th Aviation Regiment, shared his impressions of working with the Canadian forces.
“They’re always happy to see us, so I like working with those guys a lot,” said Griffen.
The exercise also included a unique tradition of patch trading, symbolizing the bonds formed between the Soldiers.
“It’s like an honorary thing to swap patches,” said Hansen. “It’s a friendly way of saying thanks and you’re cool. Let’s trade patches.”
Story by Capt. Kate Sulzle
Minnesota National Guard