
Minnesota National Guard member celebrates Native American Heritage Month

Spc. Lula Lemieux, also as Mahnk Ska Jaing, embodies the spirit of resilience within the Minnesota National Guard. At the age of 17, she enlisted as a human resource specialist because of the educational benefits the Minnesota National Guard provided. She also wanted to help educate Soldiers about their benefits. In a close-knit organization, Lemieux
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New Minnesota National Guard team supports members, families

When Army Maj. Gen. Shawn Manke was appointed Adjutant General of the Minnesota National Guard, he outlined three priorities, with “people” at the top of his list. The Minnesota National Guard views its people as the greatest strength and most valuable resource required to complete missions. Fast forward to August 2022 and the establishment of
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Continuation pay bonus available for Minnesota service members

“’Do you want more money?’ That’s what I ask Soldiers,” said Nick Hirdler, the interim incentives manager for the Minnesota National Guard. “The biggest thing is Soldier care; I am very passionate about that.” Hirdler, who also serves as a cook and culinary specialist with I Company, 134th Brigade Sustainment Battalion has been a part
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Reflecting on military family life during Month of the Military Family

As part of the Month of the Military Family observance in November, two Minnesota National Guard families shared their thoughts on life as a military family. The Trisco Family Air Force Master Sgt. Alyson Trisco and her husband, Air Force Master Sgt. Shane Trisco, have been serving in the military a combined total of 29
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Minnesota companies, organizations meet to support military connected employees 

Almost 100 individuals representing companies and organizations across Minnesota gathered at the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Fall Conference on Nov. 2, 2023 at Capital One in St. Cloud to connect, learn, and develop ways to support the state’s military community.  November is Month of the Military Family, and the conference theme was “Helping our Military
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Minnesota Cyber Team protects the web through partnerships

2023 ushered in a new era of modernization and partnership for the Minnesota National Guard’s 177th Cyber Protection Team, as they traveled across the globe to train with partners in other states and nations. These missions honed their proficiency in the cyber domain and took them to Italy, Germany, Slovenia, Tunisia, Morocco, and Norway.  “This has
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Putting on the miles

“I really didn’t run until I joined the Army when I was 17,” said Army Staff Sgt. Jennifer St. Amand, a recruiter with the Minnesota National Guard’s Recruiting and Retention Battalion. “I was in basic training and the drill sergeants made a big deal about it; it lit a fire in me to continue to
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The Minnesota National Guard to build fitness facility at Arden Hills Army Training Site

The Minnesota National Guard is receiving a brand-new facility to assist in their goal of keeping Soldiers in the Minnesota National Guard in peak condition with the help of the Army’s Holistic Health and Fitness program and professionals. According to the Army’s website,, Holistic Health and Fitness, known as H2F, is the Army’s new
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2023 legislative wins for Minnesota National Guard 

The 2023 state and federal legislative sessions can be described as a big win for the Minnesota Department of Military Affairs and the Minnesota National Guard.  The capital resulting from the sessions will fund a variety of projects to improve facilities, readiness, and equipment.  According to the Department of Military Affairs Executive Director, Don Kerr,
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U.S. Army artillery, intelligence communities meet to prepare for the ‘Army of 2030’ changes

From Sept. 7-8 2023, Army personnel from the artillery, known as ‘fires’, and intelligence communities, from across the active duty and National Guard components alike, descended upon the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division headquarters in Arden Hills for a second-annual symposium.   Unlike last year’s Fires Symposium, this event was redesignated as an Intel and Fires
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Media Advisories

Minnesota National Guard Fighter Jets to Perform Flyover at Hockey Day

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate Release January 23, 2025 SHAKOPEE, Minn. – F-16 fighter jets from the Minnesota National Guard’s 148th Fighter Wing, Duluth, Minn., will perform a flyover at the “Hockey Day Minnesota” celebration, Saturday, Jan. 25 at 2:30 p.m., in Shakopee. “As Minnesotans, Hockey Day holds special significance for the Minnesota National Guard’s 148th
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Operation Merry Meals – Bringing the Holidays to Military Families

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate ReleaseDec. 17, 2024 Operation Merry Meals – Bringing the Holidays to Military Families OAK PARK HEIGHTS, Minn. – This Thursday, Minnesota National Guard staff and Beyond the Yellow Ribbon partners and volunteers are teaming up for Operation Merry Meals to provide holiday meals for Minnesota veterans, service members, and military families
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Minnesota National Guard Celebrates the Guard’s 388th Birthday

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate ReleaseDec. 12, 2024 ST. PAUL, Minn. – The Minnesota National Guard will celebrate the National Guard’s 388th birthday tomorrow with a cake cutting ceremony at the Cedar Street Armory in St. Paul. “The opportunity to celebrate our organization’s heritage is one we proudly participate in,” said Army Col. Eduardo Suarez, Director
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Minnesota National Guard Red Bulls Return Home from Middle East

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate ReleaseDecember 10, 2024 ARDEN HILLS, Minn. – This week, the first wave of more than 550 Citizen-Soldiers of the Minnesota National Guard’s 34th Infantry Division return to Minnesota following a ten-month deployment to the Middle East. “I am incredibly proud of our 34th Infantry Division ‘Red Bulls’ who successfully completed their
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Minnesota National Guard Partners with Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office to Support Veterans

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate ReleaseNovember 20, 2024 MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – The Minnesota National Guard and the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office are scheduled to sign an agreement this Friday to mark their collaboration supporting the U.S. Army Partnership for Your Success (PaYS) program. “The PaYS program is a path of support for our service members’ futures
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Veterans Service Building
20 12th Street West
St. Paul, MN 55155-2002

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