347th Regional Support Group

Unit Information
The mission of the 347th Regional Support Group is to deploy to provide life support and command and control of base operations. The unit's responsibilities include leading the reception, staging, onward movement and integration of supporting forces, managing facilities, and providing administrative, medical and logistical support for troop services on a base camp. The brigade's ten companies provide support for units during homeland security, homeland defense and other civil support missions.
2023 Objectives
2023 will bring more deployments for units of the 347th Regional Support Group. Soldiers from the 147th Human Resources Company will relieve currently deployed Soldiers from their company, continuing the mission of providing personnel support services and theater gateway operations support in Kuwait. The 1903rd
Acquisition Team will mobilize and deploy to Djibouti to support naval contracting operations. Soldiers with the brigade’s headquarters company, the 147th Human Resources Company, the 147th Finance Detachment and the 434th Support Maintenance Company will also be returning home and reintegrating after their current deployments.
The 224th Transportation Company will participate in the Golden Coyote training exercise in South Dakota, consisting of dozens of military units from across the United States. The 204th Medical Company will participate in a training exercise near Cass Lake, Minnesota, where they will conduct a multi-service operation, providing medical care to the local population.
2022 Accomplishments
In 2022, the 347th Regional Support Group deployed multiple units to various locations. Soldiers from the Headquarters Company mobilized to Iraq and Kuwait to support Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve, providing support for base operations. Soldiers from the 147th Human Resources Company mobilized to Kuwait, providing personnel support services and theater gateway operations support. Soldiers from the 434th Support Maintenance Company mobilized to the South West Border. Soldiers from the 147th Finance Detachment also mobilized to Poland, where they provided financial support and services.
In preparation for multiple mobilizations, and seamless full-time brigade operations, the headquarters company completed a transition of duties and responsibilities to Soldiers remaining in Minnesota, as the deployed unit’s
supporting rear detachment. The brigade participated in training exercises such as Arctic Care in Kodiak, Alaska, and Diamond Saber at Fort Dix, New Jersey. The unit also went through pre-mobilization training, consisting of individual weapons qualification on the M17 pistol, M4 carbine, crew-served weapons, and counter-unmanned aircraft systems as well as counter-improvised explosive devices training.


COL Jesse Johnson

CSM Christian Hudson
Senior Enlisted
34th Red Bull Infantry Division
- 347th Headquarters Company
- 147th Human Resources Company
- 147th Financial Management Support Detachment
- 247th Financial Management Support Detachment
- 204th Medical Company Area Support
- 1903rd and 1904th Acquisition Teams
- 1347th Headquarters Company
- 114th Transportation Company
- 224th Transportation Company
- 324th Transportation Company
- 434th Support Maintenance Company