The mission of Beyond the Yellow Ribbon is to establish and sustain a comprehensive community and corporate support network that connects and coordinates agencies, organizations, and resources to meet the needs of Minnesota's military veterans, service members, and families in all military branches.
Minnesota's Beyond the Yellow Ribbon program began with a vision to synchronize community resources in support of service members and military families. It was an extension of Minnesota’s innovative Yellow Ribbon Reintegration program which provided training and resources to Minnesota National Guard and Reserve service members returning from deployment and their families. The objective was to create community networks capable of providing the same resources, services, and support that retuning service members and their families would receive on an active-duty installation.
In 2007, the City of Farmington offered to partner with the Minnesota National Guard and the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey Institute to identify ways in which key areas within a community could coordinate and synchronize resources to support, honor, and recognize veterans, service members, and their families. Farmington documented their processes, created procedures and submitted a commitment of support to the State of Minnesota. The City of Farmington was recognized by then Governor Tim Pawlenty as the first Beyond the Yellow Ribbon city in December 2008.
From the initial process documentation, the Minnesota National Guard developed minimum requirements for each key area within communities. To become a formal BTYR community, the community would submit an action plan commitment in the key areas that is approved by the State of Minnesota.
In 2009, BTYR expanded to not only provide support throughout a deployment cycle but also to meet the needs of service members, all age and era veterans, and all military families. Throughout 2009, similar state requirements were developed to form the BTYR company and county program. BTYR companies connect key internal organizational areas to synchronize support and resources to service member, military family member, and veteran employees, as well as connect company resources to local BTYR community networks. BTYR counties connect county level key areas to synchronize support and resources as well as connect any BTYR community networks within the county. In 2010, the BTYR program was elevated as a key Minnesota Department of Military Affairs Leadership Priority.
Impact of BTYR partnerships
- Minnesota companies and communities united and working together to support our military community.
- Synchronized and connected resources
- Enduring relationships
- Focused networks of support
- Synchronized communication
- Locally accessible resources
- Shared best practices
- Model for community capacity building
Learn more about BTYR
E-mail: ng.mn.mnarng.list.j9-beyond-the-yellow-ribbon@army.mil
The Minnesota Military Radio show also features BTYR and its many partners once a month. Tune in at Minnesotamilitaryradiohour.com.
Join Us
BTYR Events Calendar
* Every 4th Monday - Burger Night - Hugo BTYR
* Now-May 5, 2025 - Veterans' dinners - Farmington BTYR
* March 23 - Family Bowling Night - Rosemount BTYR
* May 21 - Veterans career fair - MN DEED
* April 2 - Veterans services fair - MSU Moorhead
* April 30 - BTYR workshop - For BTYR network
* June 10 - Patriots in the Park - Rosemount BTYR
* Sept. 20 - Field of Bands - Lower St. Croix BTYR
BTYR Bulletin
January 2025
February 2025
March 2025
Subscribe: E-mail beyondtheyellowribbon@gmail.com.
Solider & Family Readiness Team
133rd Airlift Wing Airman & Family Readiness