
2023 Minnesota Air National Guard Flight of Honor accepting nominations

The Minnesota Air National Guard Memorialization Board is accepting nominations for possible candidates to be inducted into the 2023 Minnesota Air National Guard (MN ANG) Flight of Honor Induction Program, Joint Force Headquarters, MN.–Memorialization Regulation JFMNR 36-3108 (dtd 6Dec21) v2 ***Nomination must include narrative of both military and civilian leadership service (example narrative Appendix B-1
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Leadership, a way of life

Leadership is more than just a word for Minnesota National Guard service members, Air Force Lt. Col. Gina Keppeler and Army Lt. Col. Sarah Witt, who are currently attending the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Instead, they say, it is a way of life. “I hope my experience inspires someone to take on
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A Year in the Guard: Sprinting Through to Retirement

“I came back to Minnesota and was done with the military. I was literally out. But I had these uniforms hanging in my closet and I couldn’t throw them out. I thought, ‘It would just be nice to wear those things out.’” Command Chief Master Sgt. Mark Legvold enlisted in the Active Duty Air Force
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Meet the 148th Fighter Wing’s ‘Aces of the ASVAB’

The perfect score. What does that mean? What does it look like? I recently became aware of an Airman who scored a perfect 99 on Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, or ASVAB test. I was intrigued. When discussing this topic with a colleague, I learned there was another Airmen with a perfect 99. An inquiry
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A year in the Guard: Air Force Staff Sgt. Brendan Seepersaud

For many, the years following high school are formative. In U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Brendan Seepersaud’s case, this was especially true. After embarking on a path leading towards a college degree, he had to take a step back from his goals. This eventually led to an enlistment as a Personnel Specialist in the Force
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Minnesota, Norway partner for 50th troop exchange

TRØNDELAG, Norway — More than 100 Minnesota National Guard Airmen and Soldiers are partnering with the Heimevernet, the Norwegian Home Guard, for two weeks of winter warfare training during the 50th U.S./Norway Reciprocal Troop Exchange, Feb. 2-16, 2023. More commonly known as NOREX, the exchange continues to be the longest-running troop exchange in the U.S.
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Youth Platoon Competition brings Comradery to NOREX

The culmination of the 50th anniversary of the U.S.-Norwegian Reciprocal Troop Exchange saw members of the Norwegian Youth form a large team huddle for one final hurrah at Camp Ripley, Minnesota, on Feb. 14, 2023. With arms slung over the shoulders of fellow service members – both Norwegian and Minnesotan – this truly demonstrates the
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Serving Our Troops Hosts “Dinners with the Family” for Norway, Minnesota National Guard Service Members

It is a time-honored tradition of the U.S.-Norwegian Reciprocal Troop Exchange, known as NOREX, to share operational insights and cultural experiences -including national delicacies – when hosting their international guests. Since the partnership was established in 1973 and the first exchange kicked off the following year, the Norwegian Home Guard and the Minnesota National Guard
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Minnesota National Guard, 148th Fighter Wing conducts 30th year of winter training

At a remote camp in Northern Minnesota with a real temp of -18 degrees and winds creating a feels like temp of -33, Communications experts from the Minnesota National Guard gathered to conduct extensive winter training. Radio Frequency Transmissions specialists from the 148th Fighter Wing set up its Joint Communications Platform (JCP) and established radio
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AN/ASQ-236 Modernizes Air National Guard and 148th Fighter Wing F-16 capabilities

Subject matter experts from Air Combat Command, Air Force Materiel Command, the Air National Guard, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Air Force Reserve Test Center (AATC) and 148th Fighter Wing gathered at the Duluth-based Air National Guard flying unit to exercise the end-to-end employment of the recently fielded AN/ASQ-236 Radar pod and create a
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Media Advisories

Minnesota National Guard Fighter Jets to Perform Flyover at Hockey Day

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate Release January 23, 2025 SHAKOPEE, Minn. – F-16 fighter jets from the Minnesota National Guard’s 148th Fighter Wing, Duluth, Minn., will perform a flyover at the “Hockey Day Minnesota” celebration, Saturday, Jan. 25 at 2:30 p.m., in Shakopee. “As Minnesotans, Hockey Day holds special significance for the Minnesota National Guard’s 148th
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Operation Merry Meals – Bringing the Holidays to Military Families

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate ReleaseDec. 17, 2024 Operation Merry Meals – Bringing the Holidays to Military Families OAK PARK HEIGHTS, Minn. – This Thursday, Minnesota National Guard staff and Beyond the Yellow Ribbon partners and volunteers are teaming up for Operation Merry Meals to provide holiday meals for Minnesota veterans, service members, and military families
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Minnesota National Guard Celebrates the Guard’s 388th Birthday

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate ReleaseDec. 12, 2024 ST. PAUL, Minn. – The Minnesota National Guard will celebrate the National Guard’s 388th birthday tomorrow with a cake cutting ceremony at the Cedar Street Armory in St. Paul. “The opportunity to celebrate our organization’s heritage is one we proudly participate in,” said Army Col. Eduardo Suarez, Director
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Minnesota National Guard Red Bulls Return Home from Middle East

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate ReleaseDecember 10, 2024 ARDEN HILLS, Minn. – This week, the first wave of more than 550 Citizen-Soldiers of the Minnesota National Guard’s 34th Infantry Division return to Minnesota following a ten-month deployment to the Middle East. “I am incredibly proud of our 34th Infantry Division ‘Red Bulls’ who successfully completed their
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Minnesota National Guard Partners with Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office to Support Veterans

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate ReleaseNovember 20, 2024 MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – The Minnesota National Guard and the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office are scheduled to sign an agreement this Friday to mark their collaboration supporting the U.S. Army Partnership for Your Success (PaYS) program. “The PaYS program is a path of support for our service members’ futures
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Minnesota National Guard Public Affairs
Veterans Service Building
20 12th Street West
St. Paul, MN 55155-2002

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