
Minnesota Commissions Newest Officers to the Army

August 21, 2019 (CAMP RIPLEY, Minnesota) – Graduates of the Officer Candidate School Class 63, under the Minnesota National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 175th Regional Training Institute, were commissioned Aug. 18, 2019, following a graduation ceremony held at the Memorial Chapel on Camp Ripley.  “They have been tried, tested and proven capable of being leaders of
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MNNG Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Follow-up

August 14, 2019 — FROM THE ADJUTANT GENERAL — The Minnesota National Guard strives to advance a military culture free from sexual assault and harassment. In many respects we’ve come a long way in these areas, but critical work remains so long as we continue to have sexual harassment and assault in our formations. As
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Minnesota Red Bulls train to increase proficiency at Fort Hood

August 16, 2019 (FORT HOOD, Texas) — Nearly 3,000 soldiers from the Minnesota National Guard’s 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division are currently participating in an eXportable Combat Training Capability (XCTC) exercise at Fort Hood, Texas. In July, the brigade conducted the largest Minnesota National Guard rail operation transporting 2,000 pieces of equipment
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Technology keeps tactical operations center running

August 10, 2019 (FORT HOOD, Texas) — “It’s all about communication,” said Chief Warrant Officer 2 Frederick Thunborg, brigade information technology chief. “If you can’t talk to people in the battlefield, how do you know what’s going on?” Soldiers of the 347th Regional Support Group, while conducting their annual training in Fort Hood, Texas, are
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Life support sustains the mission at XCTC

August 8, 2019 (FORT HOOD, Texas) — “Above all else we make sure Soldiers have safe water, safe facilities and their essential needs are met,” said Master Sgt. Matthew Merrill, brigade logistics non-commissioned officer. “We try to give Soldiers everything they need for a successful event, and get it to them when they need it.”
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Reception ensures accountability, creates efficiency during brigade training exercise

August 3, 2019 (FORT HOOD, Texas) — “We’re accounting for the U.S. Army’s most important asset – its people,” said Capt. Johnny Villarreal, 347th Regional Support Group personnel officer, while poring over a spreadsheet tracking dozens of troop movements for thousands of Soldiers. “It’s an important piece of what a regional support group can provide
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347th RSG contractors enhance training, quality of life for Minnesota Guardsmen

August 2, 2019 (FORT HOOD, Texas) — U.S. Army units have vast spaces to work with for training events. For the Minnesota National Guard, those spaces include Fort Hood, Texas; Fort Irwin, California; and even Camp Ripley Training Center, Minnesota.  These training spaces are all ideal for brigade combat teams conducting tactical maneuvers involving thousands
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Minnesota Red Bull Soldiers complete Middle East deployment

July 19, 2019 (KUWAIT) – More than 650 Citizen-Soldiers of the Minnesota National Guard’s 34th Red Bull Infantry Division have departed the Middle East as they return home after a ten-month deployment to the region. The Minnesota unit was responsible for leading U.S. Central Command’s Task Force Spartan, which increases military readiness and capability, in
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Minnesota National Guard honors soldiers with welcome home ceremony

July 14, 2019 (ARDEN HILLS, Minnesota) – Thirty-one soldiers from the Minnesota National Guard’s 147th Finance Detachment and 147th Human Resources Company’s Casualty Liaison Team 2 were officially welcomed home, July 13, 2019, during a ceremony at the Arden Hills Army Training Site. “I cannot express how proud we are of all your efforts,” said
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Enlisted to General

ROSEMOUNT, Minn. (July 9, 2019) — Stefanie Horvath’s one constant mission has been to keep improving the Minnesota National Guard wherever she is requested. This mission has brought her from the path of an enlisted Soldier to where she is today, pinning on a star. After 30 years of service, Horvath has achieved the rank
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Media Advisories

Minnesota National Guard Fighter Jets to Perform Flyover at Hockey Day

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate Release January 23, 2025 SHAKOPEE, Minn. – F-16 fighter jets from the Minnesota National Guard’s 148th Fighter Wing, Duluth, Minn., will perform a flyover at the “Hockey Day Minnesota” celebration, Saturday, Jan. 25 at 2:30 p.m., in Shakopee. “As Minnesotans, Hockey Day holds special significance for the Minnesota National Guard’s 148th
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Operation Merry Meals – Bringing the Holidays to Military Families

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate ReleaseDec. 17, 2024 Operation Merry Meals – Bringing the Holidays to Military Families OAK PARK HEIGHTS, Minn. – This Thursday, Minnesota National Guard staff and Beyond the Yellow Ribbon partners and volunteers are teaming up for Operation Merry Meals to provide holiday meals for Minnesota veterans, service members, and military families
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Minnesota National Guard Celebrates the Guard’s 388th Birthday

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate ReleaseDec. 12, 2024 ST. PAUL, Minn. – The Minnesota National Guard will celebrate the National Guard’s 388th birthday tomorrow with a cake cutting ceremony at the Cedar Street Armory in St. Paul. “The opportunity to celebrate our organization’s heritage is one we proudly participate in,” said Army Col. Eduardo Suarez, Director
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Minnesota National Guard Red Bulls Return Home from Middle East

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate ReleaseDecember 10, 2024 ARDEN HILLS, Minn. – This week, the first wave of more than 550 Citizen-Soldiers of the Minnesota National Guard’s 34th Infantry Division return to Minnesota following a ten-month deployment to the Middle East. “I am incredibly proud of our 34th Infantry Division ‘Red Bulls’ who successfully completed their
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Minnesota National Guard Partners with Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office to Support Veterans

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate ReleaseNovember 20, 2024 MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – The Minnesota National Guard and the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office are scheduled to sign an agreement this Friday to mark their collaboration supporting the U.S. Army Partnership for Your Success (PaYS) program. “The PaYS program is a path of support for our service members’ futures
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Minnesota National Guard Public Affairs
Veterans Service Building
20 12th Street West
St. Paul, MN 55155-2002

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