
Soldier aids crash victims on drive home

September 13, 2021 (ST. PAUL, Minnesota) — She was driving south of Interstate 35E just south of St. Paul, Minnesota, on a Friday afternoon when out of the corner of her eye, something caught her attention. She looked over and saw that a sedan had driven up an embankment and wedged itself underneath the overpass.
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WATCH | Minnesota Remembers: 9/11 and the Minnesota National Guard

September 11, 2021 (ST. PAUL, Minnesota) — September 11, 2001, began like any other Tuesday for the Minnesota National Guardsmen and women on duty that day. It wasn’t until later that morning that the gravity of that day sank in and our citizen Soldiers and Airmen went to work securing their state and nation. In
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A Minnesota National Guard Soldier holds a baby.

Minnesota medics care for Afghan evacuees in the Middle East

CAMP BUEHRING, Kuwait – While more than 400 members of Minnesota National Guard’s 1st Combined Arms Battalion, 194th Armor Regiment, known as Task Force 1-194, deployed to Afghanistan in support of evacuation efforts, the Cottage Grove, Minnesota-based Charlie Company, 134th Brigade Support Battalion began preparations to medically screen up to 5,000 Afghans at the unit’s
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Resiliency in the RTI: Warrant Officer Candidate Pushes Through

August 20, 2021 (CAMP RIPLEY, Minnesota) — Earlier this spring, the 175th Regional Training Institute at Camp Ripley began its annual Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS). There are 11 candidates enrolled this year who are preparing for their final two weeks of training at Camp Atterbury, Indiana this fall. Each year the class reports in
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133rd Contingency Response Flight Conducts Contingency Response Exercise

August 18, 2021 (ST. CROIX, Virgin Islands) — The saying “train like you fight” is something the Airmen from the 133rd Contingency Response Flight (CRF) live by. Within 36 hours of notification of a simulated hurricane, they were on the ground in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, conducting airbase operations in support of a larger
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55th CST welcomes new commander

August 20, 2021 (ST. PAUL, Minnesota) — U.S. Army Lt. Col. Scott Hawks has assumed command of the 55th Civil Support Team from U.S. Army Lt. Col. Ryan Cochran on Aug. 20, 2021, at the 133rd Airlift Wing in St. Paul, Minnesota. The 55th CST has a unique domestic mission supporting emergency preparedness operations involving
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Guard member’s nomination leads to national award for Willmar business

August 18, 2021 (WILLMAR, Minnesota) – The Department of Defense recently named Minnesota’s Marcus Construction a recipient of the 2021 Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award. On Wednesday August 18, 2021, the company celebrated that prestigious recognition at an event in Willmar. The Employer Support Freedom Award is the highest U.S. government honor employers
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Red Bulls Complete Third Command Post Exercise of 2021

August 17, 2021 (CAMP RIPLEY, Minnesota) — Soldiers of the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division completed their final dress rehearsal at Camp Ripley, August 1-6, prior to taking the stage for a Warfighter Exercise at Camp Atterbury, Indiana, in September. At each Command Post Exercise (CPX), Soldiers have spent hours refining their practices of setting
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A Soldier of the 851st EVCC, 682nd Engineer Battalion, conducts construction operations

851st EVCC Continues Construction on Demo 4

August 12, 2020 (Camp Ripley, Minn.) — Soldiers from the 851st Engineer Vertical Construction Company have been working on a remodel of the Demo 4 Range at Camp Ripley. The company uses troop projects to improve on their skills and ability to operate heavy equipment as well as completing their mission essential tasks. “Troop projects
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Meet in the Middle

U.S. Air Force Airmen from the 133rd Maintenance Group understand the importance of aviation safety. Each workday, the maintainers ensure that every component on the aircraft is able to perform at its highest level. When a safety time compliance technical order (STCTO) is delivered, the maintainers go to work, even if it’s not the 133rd Airlift Wing’s plane.

Media Advisories

Minnesota National Guard Fighter Jets to Perform Flyover at Hockey Day

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate Release January 23, 2025 SHAKOPEE, Minn. – F-16 fighter jets from the Minnesota National Guard’s 148th Fighter Wing, Duluth, Minn., will perform a flyover at the “Hockey Day Minnesota” celebration, Saturday, Jan. 25 at 2:30 p.m., in Shakopee. “As Minnesotans, Hockey Day holds special significance for the Minnesota National Guard’s 148th
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Operation Merry Meals – Bringing the Holidays to Military Families

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate ReleaseDec. 17, 2024 Operation Merry Meals – Bringing the Holidays to Military Families OAK PARK HEIGHTS, Minn. – This Thursday, Minnesota National Guard staff and Beyond the Yellow Ribbon partners and volunteers are teaming up for Operation Merry Meals to provide holiday meals for Minnesota veterans, service members, and military families
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Minnesota National Guard Celebrates the Guard’s 388th Birthday

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate ReleaseDec. 12, 2024 ST. PAUL, Minn. – The Minnesota National Guard will celebrate the National Guard’s 388th birthday tomorrow with a cake cutting ceremony at the Cedar Street Armory in St. Paul. “The opportunity to celebrate our organization’s heritage is one we proudly participate in,” said Army Col. Eduardo Suarez, Director
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Minnesota National Guard Red Bulls Return Home from Middle East

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate ReleaseDecember 10, 2024 ARDEN HILLS, Minn. – This week, the first wave of more than 550 Citizen-Soldiers of the Minnesota National Guard’s 34th Infantry Division return to Minnesota following a ten-month deployment to the Middle East. “I am incredibly proud of our 34th Infantry Division ‘Red Bulls’ who successfully completed their
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Minnesota National Guard Partners with Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office to Support Veterans

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate ReleaseNovember 20, 2024 MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – The Minnesota National Guard and the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office are scheduled to sign an agreement this Friday to mark their collaboration supporting the U.S. Army Partnership for Your Success (PaYS) program. “The PaYS program is a path of support for our service members’ futures
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Minnesota National Guard Public Affairs
Veterans Service Building
20 12th Street West
St. Paul, MN 55155-2002

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